Business Coaching

Work with me to grow your business from launching a new product to developing leadership throughout your organisation or working yourself into a more strategic role.

Trusted and approved by the worlds leading bodies

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Geoff Watts coaching a man in shirt and tie at a table with papers in front of them
Lady standing up presenting in a meeting
What is Business Coaching…

Helping your unique business grow

Your business is unique and has its own specific goals and challenges. These challenges often can't be predicted and also change a lot more frequently and with greater impact.

This can put you on the back foot and puts pressure on you to respond effectively while not having all of the answers.

One thing that successful business leaders have in common is that they make time to think and find a neutral person to think things through with.

You are the expert in your business but you are also biased and attached. As your coach I can help you see your challenges and options more clearly and in a different light, making action easier and more effective.

Through a combination of insight, guided reflection, skills development and honest feedback I can help you take your business to the next level and leverage change for your advantage.

I will help you assess your context more objectively and strategically, help you tackle your perfectionism and procrastination while highlighting your risks and blindspots.

Either a one-off check up on your business processes and culture,  some targeted coaching on a specific topic or your long-term business coach partner, I can help you grow your business.

A green check mark
Beat your procrastination
A green check mark
Become more strategic
A green check mark
Take ownership of change
A green check mark
Launch & grow new products
Geoff Watts teaching a class in black and white with posters on the wall

Check out some of my testimonials

See what people say
“I took Geoff on as a business coach over a few months back in 2014 to help me get my ideas out of my head and into the world. There was huge growth over these difficult, sometimes emotional sessions for me and Geoff guided me through the crafting of a cohesive business proposition. Geoff's consultancy experience was extremely valuable here.”
Rob Grundel headshot
Rob Grundel

Storytelling Consultant

Geoff Watts headshot

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What is involved in business coaching?


Our first session will involve us setting the structure for our engagement.

- What goals you want to work towards, both short and long-term.

- How you will determine whether coaching has been successful.

- When and how long you want our sessions to be.

One-Off Assessments

One option is for a one-off run through of how your business is setup, its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

We will look at your strategic and tactical goals and how well you are setup to achieve them.

Targeted Coaching

You may already have specific goals that you want to work towards, for example launching a new product, or expanding to a new market. Here we would craft a structured approach to helping you achieve those goals. This could be a one-off assessment of a business plan or support over a few months to run some market experiments.

Ongoing Support

Many of my clients realise the value in taking regular time out to keep things ticking over before they get to the point of needing remedial attention.

I offer a variety of regular sessions to support you on an ongoing basis.

Geoff Watts headshot

Let's chat...

I'd love to hear about your goals in a free video call

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